Booting directly to the Start Screen was one feature
that many users hated in Windows 8. Microsoft has
addressed this feature in the new Windows 8.1 update,
allowing users to boot directly to the desktop upon
signing in. To do
this follow the below steps:
If you are still in the Start Screen,
click Desktop
Right click the Taskbar
and click Properties
Click the Navigation
Under the Start screen section, select
the option :When I sign in or
close all apps on a screen, go to the
desktop instead of Start
Click OK to save changes.
To test the new setting, Sign out from
Windows 8.1 and Sign in again. This
time, you will be signed in
automatically to the Desktop and not to
the Start Screen .
In the below video, I have logged into Windows 8.1 and showed you how the Start Screen is opening by default. Then I opened the Taskbar and Navigation properties and selected the option to go to the desktop instead of the Start Screen. I then signed out and signed in again to show you how this time the Desktop will open and not the Start Screen anymore.
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