Type of Dependencies

Type of Dependencies
There are four types of dependencies are mentioned as under;
1-     Mandatory Dependencies.

Mandatory dependencies are directly related to the nature of the work being performed. This is known as hard dependency or hard logic. These dependencies will be used during theProject Planning specifically on Activity Sequencing in Time Management.

Example: Purchase the Server, Install Operating System, install and configure Patches and finally install the Required Software are mandatory dependencies. The nature of the work itself dictates theorder in which the activities should be performed.

2-     Discretionary Dependencies.

These are “soft” dependencies that reflect how the team anticipates the work will be completed, or how the team “would like” the work to be completed. These types of dependencies enable the team to optimize the flow of work throughout the project life cycle.

Example of these logic include;this activity will happen at the same time as another group of activities. This activity will start up a couple weeks after another activity is completed.

3-     External Dependencies.

These are dependencies that are outside the control of the project team, but nonetheless must be reflected in the project schedule. Examples of external dependencies include:

Approval from an external organization must be received prior to starting an activity.
Completion of a project milestone is linked to the completion of a milestone within another project.

4-     Resource Dependencies.

In a Resource dependency, one actor (the depender) depends on the other (the depender) for the availability of an entity (physical or informational). By establishing this dependency, the depender gains the ability to use this entity as a resource. At the same time, the depender becomes vulnerable if the entity turns out to be unavailable.
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